Taken from a World Without Cancer
Cancer is defined as a "Chronic Metabolic Disease"
"Chronic" meaning it doesn't pass away of its own accord
"Metabolic" meaning that it happens within the body and isn't transmittable to another person.
In the entire history of medical science, there hasn't been one chronic metabolic disease was ever cured and/or prevented by drugs or mechanical manipulation of the body. (i.e. chemo, radiation, surgery)
In every case, the only solution was found only in factors relating to proper nutrition.
This gives me something to think about. The doc talks about vitamin B17, or laetrile. A "vitamin" found in the things we have been told not to eat such as apricot kernels & apple seeds because they contain cyanide.... a poison... but it is a missing link in our diet... Sounds like hes on to something...
Here is the protocol for using B17 as a cancer treatment.
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